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COLT Hockey Trick Shot | The Hockey Movement Taking on Toews

We've all seen our fair share of trick shots and clever dangles over the last two years.

When they're not lathered in special effects they definitely get hockey players going -- especially when the stunt combines high-res go-pros and talented professional athletes. 

This past week, we saw the latest of the NHL-stars-go-viral phenomenon, witnessing none other than the Blackhawks' Captain Serious snipe a careening water bottle on a single try (we think). It was intense. It was magnetic. It was a display of sheer, technical skill that could only be replicated by the stars who compete for Lord Stanley on a yearly basis. 

Or was it?

Armed with a COLT 2, and motivated by what mere mortals would call impossible, Jeremy from the Hockey Movement pressed record, wound up, and not only matched Toews' trickery, but surpassed it with ease... and precision. 

Sure, sniping water bottles is cool. But sniping pucks a fifth the size is quite impressive. And we like to think his hockey stick (along with his own, insanely high skill level, of course) had something to do with it. 

The COLT 2, as many of you know, was engineered to exhibit never-before-seen shot power and accuracy while remaining the most durable hockey stick on the market. Based on the feedback we've received over the last 12 months, it seems Jeremy isn't the only one benefiting from our nanomaterial's innate properties. 

It's a feature that is being noticed loud and clear -- with our recent wave of customer surveys providing all the evidence we need (along with decades of research and development in the field of advanced materials applications) that our nano-NiCo coating is doing exactly what it's supposed to.

The name of the game is increased durability and enhanced performance, and it seems hockey's finally warming up to the concept. 


Hockey Stick Tech The COLT Community

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